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Monday, January 10, 2011

#MYOL News: Ted "Golden Voice" Williams (January 1st-8th)

This story is nothing less than truly amazing and is the prime example of the impact that the World Wide Web can have on the instantaneous promotion that any story or person can obtain during these Internet driven times. Over the years that have been many examples of both positive and negative stories that have spread like wildfire due to video uploading sites like YouTube & UStream and social networks like Facebook & Twitter. This story was about a bum in Ohio who used to be a radio personality in college. Due to drug and alcohol addiction he never got to pursue the career he dreamed about. One day a videographer from the Colombus Dispatch, a local newspaper in the Colombus, Ohio area decide to record this man doing his radio voice. After the dispatcher uploaded it to YouTube, within days Ted “Golden Voice” Williams’ life changed from being a bum with no money to a radio personality with 10+ offers on the table. He became a superstar literally over night and was invited to numerous radio and daytime television talk shows! Again, this shows the power of the Internet and viral media, but it is a double edge sword! What are you posting to the Internet? Does it represent what you want to be portrayed as? Either way if you have an idea that you think can get some feedback grab a camera and upload it just like the dispatcher and maybe you could change yours or someone else’s life forever. #MYOL

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