Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#HMIC: J.Shannon Aspires To Inspire By Making His Own Lane (TitleTBD Magazine Article)

“My main goal is to give a sense of motivation to people in my area, people in Mass and people all over the world who don’t really have the opportunity to create it for themselves. I had a lot of friends who were on the streets who either end up dead or in jail that didn’t have the opportunity, who were so talented, way more talented than me in everything that I’m doing.”

His aspirations may seem big, but Shannon doesn’t want to embrace this venture as a chance to show himself off. He would rather praise those around him and elevate them, than keep the spotlight on him. His personal documentary, which he will release this June – MYOL Doc: The Other Jay (2010) – follows not only his journey, but the journey of artists, athletes and entreprenuers in the Greater Boston area. Shannon, along with his business partner has been collecting footage of different local artists and of Shannon himself for the last five years. He says that this will be the last time for a very long while that he will put the focus on himself. It is just an effort to show the world what he is about and what he can do.

Rochelle Ballin of titletobedetermined.com

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